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Writer's pictureKrista Layne

Full Moon in Libra Meaning and Astrology Oracle

A powerful, resurrection of one's self through Spirit is happening on this powerful Full Moon! The Full Moon in Libra, occurring April 16, 2022 is one that is ripe for healing relationships that are broken and scarred while also assisting the soul with moving on from stagnancy for clearing and releasing purposes for necessary action toward one's next steps of his or her Lightworker's mission.

There has never been a time like this one where the universe is conspiring on behalf of our collective for our magnificent energy upgrade. Our collective as a whole is experiencing great change, great break through, and final steps of our past lives in exchange for the upgrade we once had been wishing and hoping to come. It is now here.

I (Krista) have connected with our infinite guidance to channel the notes of inspiration for your specific astrological signs. We have community members reaching out after each post about the messages resonating with both their sun sign and rising signs. If you have a spiritual partner that you are walking through life with, share our post with him or her to assist with your soulful connection and an opportunity to communicate and discern what you are learning about this phase of your relationship together!

Channeled Oracle Messages by Astrology Sign

Each message was channeled through Krista in a quiet space and in connection with our greater mission. Every message is paired with a Crystal recommendation for your amplified upgrade now! Krista calls upon angelic guidance for all written messages and crystal selections both in your packages and inside of our blog space.


The full moon is drawing close attention to the partnerships and relationships within your life now. Whether it be with your spouse, business partners, or friends, there is a significant journey within the heart happening now. Let the light in. Darkness is taking a first step in before a thoughtful and soulful connection can be made with the truth between your intimate partner and yourself especially. The original agreement stands that you chose one and other for your spiritual growth and also for learning self love and acceptance. Before making assumptions, pause and channel through meditation the energy and essence of what you may have agreed upon before you came here together. The agreement may bring you to tears and that is where your authentic truth and message is found. Partnerships grow and strengthen for you and yours through this magnificent full moon energy.

Crystal: Red Carnelian for passionate connection


The full moon is the perfect time to take inventory and stock of the routines in your own life that have built habits that are now sticking. Are the habits that have been built the ones that you want to keep around for long term gain or are you in need of releasing them now? With full moon and Pluto energy working together now, your vessel can be prepared to rid your life of what is no longer working for you. This energy is ripe for letting go and releasing. Begin by inventorying your daily routines that are adding up to be the habits of living you find yourself in. One at a time, release them with intention and replace them with a habit that could yield the response you deeply desire manifesting for the long term.


The full moon is turning out to be ripe for romance and whimsical creation. Allow yourself to get lost in a love affair with you! Watch how every partnership in your life will also find you extra exciting and inspiring too. You are becoming a magnet for attention, attraction, and self love! Your ability to manifest is tied directly to your worthiness and now is the perfect time for you to realize the lengths and distance you have walked and how dynamic your soul's journey has been. Keep going! The universe is infinitely supporting you and has your heart the whole way through. No longer can you fear being seen as your whole world is opening because you are now believing and listening to Spirit its infinite guidance for your life.


Home and family have been your focus and will continue to be for the coming days. You have the natural feeling to settle in and be still, spending more quality time with the people that you have contracted to live life with in a personal and familial way. As you bring the relationships with family to the forefront, you may also be noticing a significant difference in yourself. The things that you were once deeply excited about are now changing. You are growing, and a calm connection with family will help them ease into this transition along with you. Take it slow, but remain steady. Because Cancer, you are shifting and you are outgrowing the old patterns and making way for your new energy now.

Crystal: Peach Moonstone for nurturing thyself


Leo, you are finding yourself during this full moon! You may have an urge to take a few quick trips to take in new and revitalized energy away from your own home. As you do, you will be developing a stronger sense of self where you are able to step out of the anxiousness of workloads or daily life, and into a more infinite space for a mindfulness upleveling and a mind chatter detoxing. Wherever you find yourself, you will be finding more of yourself. If you are traveling over the Easter holiday, ensure that you provide yourself with time to walk on your own to meditate and to take in the world that is not like yours everyday. You are about to realize that you are even more expansive than you could have ever envisioned. Go for it! Write down, the best you can, what you begin to envision. It all starts there.

Crystal: Pyrite for abundance and flow


Expansion in financial health and wealth is beginning to show its-self to you now. Currency can only expand, however, if you can create an open relationship with this source of wealth in your life. Now is the perfect time for declaring your ability to grow and expand your prosperity in all things, but especially cash flow. The energy of the full moon in connection with you is ripe for multiplying value of property, currency, and wealth. Is your relationship with money ready for that? If you are in need of releasing how you learned to master the money game, now is also the perfect time for releasing the habits and mindsets that keep us small! Go ahead! Throw that which no longer serves you right into the fire!

Crystal: Green Aventurine for prosperity and wealth


Now may find you in a time of renewal and also with the way you present yourself to the world! You may be looking to take on a makeover of some sort. Now may be the perfect time to add some wild to your wardrobe or to grow your hair longer. Maybe you are looking to step into a fitness program or a healthy eating plan to give a new feeling to your body. Whatever you are being driven to do to show yourself and the world what you are really made of, now is the time and energy to help you propel right into that vision you are receiving about yourself! You have the energy and focus to follow it through! Keep going! You are deserving of this growth and change.

Crystal: Tiger's Eye for inner vision and clarity


You may find yourself going in deep and taking dives where you are uncer tain if you will know the light again! Before you step any further into this space that could feel somewhat blissful yet misleading, have awareness of your greatest super power of all! Your intuition! Your intuition, when channeled with an aligned and clear chakra energy system truly never lies. You are the most intuitive and connected sign of the zodiac, yet with the mysterious and deeper sides of yourself, it may become difficult to manage if consistent attention is not given to your auric field, chakra system, and energy. Spend this full moon, 1. knowing your inner power of psychic awareness, 2. knowing you can harness it and must clear your energy system first, and 3. this full moon may find you diving even deeper and darker than one could have imagined. Remember to cleanse in your salt bath mix and also consider intentionally releasing what is plaguing your mind and wanting full access to your internal mind space.


You are becoming quite the social butterfly lately, and this is certainly in perfect timing. Sagittarius is a known independent entity that never claimed to need or want a single soul, let a lone a large friends network, but Sagittarius will be discovering a whole new side this full moon. Manifesting and activation power will be coming with the help of the social network you are building and by being seen and noticed as a true and authentic soul by your friend group. They will think of you first when opportunities arise because they are certain they want to support you even more along your journey now. Your life is opening and so are the seasons from Winter weather to Spring Weather. As the weather becomes warmer, so will your heart to letting more people in more often. Enjoy this new view of life as you continue to open and build relationships.


Life is taking on a whole new look and your heart is beginning to pick up on waves of passion, inspiration, and motivation. If you are feeling extra inspired to move forward on what has caught your eye, you are in perfect timing! Whether it be a relationship that has just entered your life or a dream that appears to be breathing life into your body, you will have the energy to move on it now. Your flow is incredible and the universe is matching this energy level with exceptional quality of opportunity. Pause to look around. A flower is opening and blossoming for you right in front of your very eyes. Your heart will feel expansive and your energy level will be ready to move!

Crystal: Flower Agate for blooming into your potential


Now is your moment in time where you are making your mark! The mark will be so significant that it will be noticed and radiating both near and far! Stories will stand for the ages about what is transpiring in you now. A turn around, a rebuild, an authentic truth is being expressed and is going out like a flowing river that can no longer be contained. Out of all of the zodiac signs, yours is destined for an exceptional breakthrough. There is no longer a feeling of being on the brink! You have made it! Spirit will continue to guide you as there is more Spirit has in mind with you, yet please celebrate your triumph now! All of the energy is pointing to your, "heavens, yes!" Amazing and incredible stamina, Aquarius! You are the warrior that has risen!


Partnerships in finance and business ventures are showing to be an opportunity for beautiful expansion of your own inner vision and dreams. Now is the perfect time for strengthening joint financial responsibilities and also having sincere conversations about the next steps of where you see your partnership growing and going. All of the "off limits" topics will be open for conversation during this full moon's energy! This is the perfect time to bring the buried alive again. Maybe it was a dream, a conversation, a feeling that was tucked away and forgotten about, but now is the time to bring it forward for clearing, revealing, expansion and growth! The perfect exercise to assist with your own graveyard of feelings and ideas is to unearth plants and to repot them into new and nutrient rich soil! This will be a beautiful meditation for your own unearthing and rejuvenation!

Crystal: Garden Quartz for amplified realization of hidden realms and dreams

Rituals for the Full Moon in Libra

Plant and Give back to Mother Earth

Consider the weather, yet even if it is to repot the plants within your own living space and sanctuary, giving to the Mother is a wonderful act of manifesting and detoxifying on the Full Moon in Libra. Create a beautiful opportunity with gentle nature sounds on the background to have hands in the soil and an opportunity to sow new creations.

Journal with Spirit about Revelations

You are certain to encounter new awareness and a-ha! moments during this full moon. Have your journal ready and even a known oracle deck that you love to use for Spirit to show you in symbols and pictures what is transpiring within! Journaling assists Spirit to scribe through your fingertips and onto the paper! Have your designated journaling time during the full moon! Light a candle, gather your crystals, and get to writing out what is housed within your soul!

Moonwater + Crystal Moon Infusion

Gather your crystals and a pitcher of water for putting under the full moon! Allow the full moon to radiate its energy into your drinking water. I like to circle the water pitcher with a ring of inspiration and crystals. As everything is infused, use the water on the following day during your journaling session on Easter Sunday!

We (Spirit and I) pray you feel truth of your infinite vessel through our bi-weekly oracles or the New Moon and Full Moon! If you feel the connection here, you may love to join one of our Crystal Lives and Free Angel reading sessions on Instagram!

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Diane Donahue

Thank you for sharing this Krista…I needed to to read this! ❤️

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