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Heart Chakra Attack

Writer: Krista LayneKrista Layne

It’s a matter of the heart.

Labeling people, situations, circumstances as “good” or “bad,” have become common practice which signals significant reactions in our heart chakra centers. Check in with your body as you read through this piece. Closely focus on your heart as you evaluate your own practice of labeling your life.

“It’s a good thing.”

“That’s just bad!”

Good. Bad. Good. Bad. The dance between good and bad is a matter of the heart.

Can we just shed the labels of calling the experiences of our lives good or bad? Can we redefine the situations of life and agree that every single experience of life can teach us, build us, mold us, and evolve us? And do we really ev-er want to downplay something like depression by labeling it with confining words like good or bad? Without the contrast in life, we could not fully know our truest power. Feel, for a second, the empowerment of revisiting the darkest days of life while standing in the light of a new, empowering day. Would we appreciate the second, third, and final chances at finally nailing it? Overcoming it? Saying goodbye (once and for all) or hello to it? Isn’t getting out of it one of the most sweetest and empowering feelings in life?! How can we down play any of it, by the limiting labels (and power) of good and bad?

Labeling people, situations, circumstances as “good” or “bad,” have become common practice which signals significant reactions in our heart centers. Check in with your body as you read through this piece. Closely focus on your heart as you evaluate your own practice of labeling.

Notice how your chest feels when you call anything “good.” Have you noticed labeling anything as “good” in our language has a way of determining that we are still safe and able to function normally with very little change? Recall a memory past or present in which you would consider it as a “good outcome” and notice the expansion in your heart center. Would you say that good is usually linked to a positive emotional state which can help the heart remain (more) open and at ease? “A good deed.” “A good job.” “You are such a good person!” “That felt so good!” The power of the words we use has a significant impact on our physical bodies and energetic centers. And in the case of “good,” the heart center believes it can open a little wider. Remember though, that “good” has a close relative of “bad” that inevitably follows. The bad is never far behind in the race of life as long as heart signals are triggered by the two most common words in our language.

As long as the lunacy of labeling experiences of our lives continues, our energetic centers will be stunted in their ability to align. When our energy centers are out of alignment, we feel physically, mentally, and emotionally off. Release “good and bad” from your vocabulary and watch what else gets dis communicated along with those. Give it a shot during your next releasing ritual or meditation time. Ask yourself what other limiting labels have helped to limit your heart’s capacity for expansion. Allow your energy centers to open and step into healing and balancing. Recognize today the limiting labels that have defined your life until now.


Say, "I now release the words that tie my heart and cause me to feel shortness of breath. Bring forward in my mind’s eye the labels I have been using to capture my life in a limiting darkness. Set my pen to paper and write through me the words that I am to release today in a ceremony welcoming the light of expansion into my heart center. Guide my pen now."

Write down every word that appears in your imagination until the words cease from flowing. Now, over a sink, light a match and burn the limitations that have bound your heart.

Fill the space that was released with what you desire. Here’s an example:

"I now release limitations and welcome in signals for expansion through a means I recognize because my spirit reveals them to me in a synchronistic fashion."

Release the labels and shine on, bright ones! Comment below as you purge (forever) the limiting language over your life. Once you release, may you never find them again. And so it is.


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